Project Planning Tools, Ideas And Offers- Sewing Notions

Here is a selection of things that you might find useful, if you are topping up your stash, but don't want to break the bank.

Once you have got your fabric, finding sewing notions, such as bias binding can work out really expensive and time-consuming.

These are not necessarily the cheapest to be found, but the prices are good.

If I come across any other useful links or products,  I will add them here.

Please note that there are affiliate links on this page and I may earn a commission if you buy anything from these links.

Dress Fabrics and All types of fabric. 

Something else that you might not be aware of, is that people sell back copies of magazines on Ebay. Some are used in Good condition and some are new. An excellent idea if you only want one issue or if you want a particular sewing pattern.

Some of the magazines I have seen and some of which I have bought:

Burdastyle - You can get some really good old ones on Ebay- just check the language.

Please let me know in the comments if there is anything else you would like me to search out and include here. 



